Tuesday, December 09, 2008

News Dump!

There's a couple of things I've wanted to put out there.

- Illinois Governor tried to 'Auction' Obama's seat

So finally a Democrat politician does something wrong, and it's for something as asinine as this? Trying to auction off the senate seat previously occupied by the president-elect? C'mon, guys, step it up. The Republicans get in trouble over having man sex with each other and this is the best you can do? This isn't the 1920s. Anyway how this guy managed to get elected is very face-palm inducing indeed.

I knew MSNBC was in the tank for Obama, but it looks like they're gonna start going all the way. Fortunately FOX News isn't going to go down without a fight. My favorite Daily Show segments are the ones that make fun of the horrible mess that make up our cable news networks, and this one shows just how much they try to pull people into their gaping maw.

- A biblical argument for gay marriage?

Now I don't normally discuss this kind of thing because I feel like the arguments both sides of this issue use are flawed ("prop h8te"? Really guys? Get off of your pedestals. To say that everyone who voted 'yes on 8' hates gays is bull). But I found this article to be an interesting read as it tries to present an opposing viewpoint to what we typically hear, and judging by the comments, aren't used to hearing.

Lastly, I leave you with this pleasant image:

Seriously. WHY IS THERE SO MUCH OF THIS SHIT. They even have little books about the two actors and their incredibly long and detailed movie careers, complete with fold-out posters and paparazzi-esque photos. Ugh.


Christine said...

hey! ok, I usually don't comment on the prop 8 issue either because most people know where I stand and it is difficult having a civil conversation with most people but i'm going to respond to that article because you found it such an interesting read. Firstly, the way the bible describes marriage is exactly how it should be and they totally miss the mark when citing those biblical figures. People like abraham and david are not there as examples of how we SHOULD act! Secondly, some of these people who argue that the bible does not explicitly speak against gay marriage should actually pick up a bible. Try I Corinthians 6:9-11 or I Timothy1:8-11 or Romans 1:24-27. I will let you look those up on your own if you are interested enough.

I article did, however, mention that there are two types of marriage in America- one a civil union and one a religious one. It seems to me that a religious union cannot be defined by the state. Just because the US happens to recognize the religious union as well as the civil union, does not mean the state can redefine that definition.

ok, I have probably angered or offended you in some way so I will back off but you and I have never really had this discussion and I am sorry if I should have left it that way. About your other postings, Twilight is everywhere because its the new tween thing. It is as if Edward Cullen and the Jonas Brothers go together somehow and clearly I am invested in both so I can't complain. But I love that photo- I've seen that display everywhere hahaha

Nick said...

Your position is exactly what I expected it to be, so no you didn't offend me. I don't claim to have more than a passing knowledge of the bible (to me it seems like the whole is worth more than the sum of its parts), but I think what the article is trying to say is that there are some elements of the bible that are archaic, and it's trying to make the point that maybe the anti-gay stuff is too.

Personally I feel that most of the problem that religious conservatives have with the term "gay marriage" is that it has the word "marriage" in it. I know you don't hate gay people as most of the liberal left would claim that you do. As far as I am concerned the people spoke by passing prop 8, and that's how it should stay until the people decide otherwise. It's not a civil rights issue to me because gays do have the same right to a legal union (domestic partnerships) as straight people do, instead it's more of a separate but equal kind of thing.

I wouldn't have as much of a problem with people claiming that prop 8 "protected the institution of marriage" if the divorce rate in this country and state wasn't so damn high. I feel like to protect marriage we should outlaw divorce, too. Or just get rid of civil recognition of marriages all together and make it so that everyone legally has a domestic partnership, that way "marriage" stays religious as it was intended. Obviously both of those ideas would never pass, though.

As for Twilight.... UGSAKFJASLKJSLDALSH!!!

Thanks for always being civil.

Andrew said...

I'd just like to point out that the majority of LGBT people don't condemn anyone for hate, we are simply hurt that such a campaign was run and that our feelings and our love were exploited in such a way. One has to wonder why Prop 8 became the lead issue in this election (for either side), when so many other problems plague our state.

As to whether marriage is right, well, I truly agree with Nick in that I think the state has no right to say it, and as long as it's going to keep the word 'marriage' for its civil license, it should be given equally. If everyone is to get a union, well, that's good too.

Anyway, we should have a live discussion about this, 'cause I really want to hear your thoughts, Christine. So far what I've heard from the other perspective has lacked a certain rationality that I think you might be able to provide.

Nick said...

Guys, a live, drunken, political discussion is exactly what our holiday party is for!

Andrew said...
